Monday, April 7, 2014

Mom what key is it again?

My kids are at the age where they want to help with everything, and really its pretty nice to have their help. Right now they have been working on trying to unlock the doors for me, and its pretty helpful when you have your hands full of bags. Until you get to the "what key is it again."
Here's a picture of what my keys look like, and we wonder why they can't find the right one.
So I loved the idea of making the house key stand out in some way. There are a lot of tutorials out there, so I'm not going to make another. This is the tutorial that I used. The thing I did different was I placed two coats of mod podge gloss over it after I was done with the floss, and let it dry.
I liked the shimmer it added.CAM00128I made one for my truck key too... Why I don't know because it was pretty. You can kinda see it behind the purple one, it's red to match lol.
Yes I know I could just go get a key made that looks different, but as my husband has said many times "why don't you just buy something like that?" (said in my best male voice). To me the answer is easy, I want something that's me, something I made, something personal. I hope this helps you.

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